Welcome To The World Of Pianos
Welcome To The World Of Pianos
Home|Upright|Baby Grand| Concert Grand| KeyBoards

Pianos have been around fr the longest of times. They have been used to
entertain listeners with the sweet and itter strike of notes.
There are many types of pianos. One being the Upright
Another is the Baby grand
Then you have the Concert Grand
There are many different Brands of pianos. Some are more popular than others and
some are prefered over others. Certain studios won't use the original stringed
piano but replace it with a eletronic keyboard.
There are also different types of keyboards raning from 61 keys to 76 keys to a
full 8 keys. The different brands of the keyboards are what buyers usually use
to get the best sound quality. There are also things called controllers that mimic
Sounds of other objects which are not intruments.
Fun Facts